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Recycling proceeds from test railway axles go to African employee project

We have alre­ady repor­ted in the past about the aid pro­ject for edu­ca­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment in Africa of our instal­la­tion mana­ger Jörg Leh­mann. In addi­tion to the enorm­ous com­mit­ment of num­e­rous employees in this pro­ject, we also sup­port the uni­que pro­ject as com­pany NILES-SIMMONS.

Curr­ently, the recy­cling pro­ceeds from test rail­way axles are bene­fiting the pro­ject. »This year we will use the pro­ceeds to send two res­to­red sewing machi­nes and car­pen­try tools, which were purcha­sed and repai­red by NILES employees, among others. With our help (capa­city buil­ding) our Con­go­lese fri­ends have been able to build up a trai­ning centre for sewing for women and a car­pen­try work­shop in recent years«, Leh­mann proudly reports on the ste­ady progress.

Fur­ther­more, some local schools have been sup­ported by sen­ding various school mate­ri­als. Simple musi­cal instru­ments will fol­low this year.

»Last year our Con­go­lese fri­ends inde­pendently plan­ned the con­s­truc­tion of a new buil­ding in the small insti­tute ISTD – Kal­ehe. Since the begin­ning of this year it is finan­ci­ally sup­ported by our small asso­cia­tion (in which many fri­ends are invol­ved). In the insti­tute the local young peo­ple are trai­ned in agri­cul­tu­ral pro­fes­si­ons, among others«, says Lehmann.

We are proud of the pro­ject and its num­e­rous sup­port­ers, espe­ci­ally in these dif­fi­cult times.

Thanks Jörg!

Here are a few impressions:
